Location: Centreville, Virginia, United States

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Two more bowls.

This is the third bowl I have made and is called a natural edge bowl. It was made from a branch of a friends Bradford Pear tree as a gift for him.

This is bowl number four and is also a natural edge bowl.

Here is another photo of the two bowls. Because the bowl blank was longer then it was wide it caused the bowl to have two wings instead of being round. It makes for a very interesting bowl but makes it harder to turn as the tool is only touching the wings for half the time as it spins. As long as you are very careful and take small cuts if will work out fine. It also makes for an interesting sanding experience. After I turned and sanded them I used spray on lacquer as a finish and after a week of curing I then buffed the surface to get a higher sheen on them.


Blogger Chad said...

Sweet - I love the top bowl!

And good job with the Leaves photo. Came out well. What's next?

5:41 AM  

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